About us

Revealers of talent, our intention is to highlight and discover works of art in limited editions, small series or unique pieces conceived by new talents, designers, craftsmen, artists of the material and guarantors of a know-how in the service of design and decoration.

Always on the lookout for new finds, we collect decorative objects, ceramics, lighting, photography, graphic works on canvas and paper and furniture whose aesthetics and quality oscillate between decorative art and work of art.

We wish to share with all those who are looking for a meaningful object - and who are sensitive to the minimalist spirit that drives us - a selective choice of creations where the valorization of know-how is essential.

We give priority to the human aspect in our relations with artists and craftsmen and it is with kindness that the work of our talents is honoured on our website and during ephemeral events.

A passion for beauty...

After studying the history of art and its market, Virginie became a specialist in furniture and art objects.

She deepened her knowledge of Art Deco by working with a prestigious Parisian gallery where she honed her eye for exceptional furniture and beautiful objects.

Passionate about decoration, handcrafting and artistic creation, it was only natural that she wanted to create this concept.

In creating this site, Iwanted to create a showcase for the arts and crafts.
I hope that the minimalist spirit of my selection will please you and that the works of these talented artists will echo your own sensitivity and touch you as much as it did me.

 Any questions?